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New NHS trans youth clinics ‘not ready’, sources claim [Video]

Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Replacement NHS gender identity clinics for trans youth are reportedly understaffed and “nowhere near ready”, sources have claimed.

Following the planned closure of the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at the Tavistock Centre – NHS England’s only gender identity clinic for young people – two new regional hubs in London and the north of England are set to open in April, offering services trans and gender-questioning youth.

The new northern hum will be run as a partnership between Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust in Liverpool and the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, while the London hub will be run by the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust.

The decision to close GIDS, run by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, came after an interim report from Dr Hilary Cass suggested a “fundamentally different” model of care is required to best support trans young people.

However, whistle-blowers …

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