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Tubbservatory Round-Up #28 – April 2024 – [Video]

Global Marketing Strategies

Tubbservatory Round-Up – Tools and Resources for Your MSP

This month’s topics include: MSP securityprofitability tools, industry events, marketing tips for MSPs, and expert advice on pen-testingzero trust, and AI compliance.

Tubbservatory: The April 2024 Round-Up Video

Tubbservatory Round-Up #28: April – Week 1

#1 The Pax8 Guide to Powerful Productivity

Build. Work. Flow. That’s the mantra from Pax8 as they announce a powerful productivity gain with the integration of Microsoft, Adobe and Exclaimer solutions for MSPs.

With 93% of MSPs looking to increase their productivity, Pax8 has also produced The Pax8 guide to powerful productivity that gives advice on integration, productivity and selling these solutions to your MSP clients.

Given you probably already have these tools in your stack, this should be a powerful free download

#2 PRIME+ Speech Protector and Signal Jammer

If you or your MSP clients are serious about your privacy and security, then this device may be of interest.

The PRIME+ Speech Protector …

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