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The Impact of AI on Retail: Enhancing Retail Through Technology [Video]

Sustainability Marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) rapidly transforms retail, reshaping customers’ shopping experience. The advent of AI on retail has brought about remarkable changes, enabling personalised interactions, streamlining operations, and offering in-depth consumer behaviour insights. With machine learning algorithms crunching vast heaps of customer data, retailers can now craft individualised shopping experiences that were once the stuff of science fiction. These advancements drive growth, enhance customer satisfaction, and build brand loyalty in dynamic and sustainable ways.

Incorporating AI into the customer journey offers a strategic advantage to savvy retailers. It enlightens us on consumer preferences and behaviour, tailors shopping experiences, and even influences sales strategies with precision. For us customers, this means receiving recommendations and support that feel increasingly intuitive and responsive. However, as artificial intelligence weaves itself more deeply into the fabric of customer service, it also introduces complex challenges. Balancing the benefits of AI-powered engagements with the need for human touch, …

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