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nChain’s Stefan Matthews sees 2024 as the year of real blockchain use case revenue generation [Video]

Global Marketing Strategies Integrated Solutions Offering

Three months into 2024 and the global blockchain space could be in for a wild ride as developers double down on their efforts to showcase the utility of the emerging technology, one that nChain Executive Chairman and Co-founder Stefan Matthews has projected.

Speaking to CoinGeek Backstage on the sidelines of the Digital Pilipinas Festival, Matthews believes 2024 will be the year when blockchain developers will reap the rewards of what they’ve been sowing for years.

With the launch of the Teranode upgrade, made possible with efforts from Dr. Craig Wright, the man behind the network’s design and architecture, Matthews’ vision for 2024 is not far from being realized.

The Teranode upgrade pushes the BSV blockchain‘s capability to 1.572 million transactions per second, cementing the title as the only blockchain network that can actually scale unboundedly.

While utilizing the right blockchain is crucial in developing use cases that can achieve nChain’s …

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