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Hire Jeremy Schwartz | Former L’Oreal MD [Video]

Global Marketing Strategies

Jeremy has always been at the forefront of fast-paced industries. His most prominent role saw him acting as the CEO of The Body Shop, continuing the legacy of the late founder Dame Anita Roddick. Pledging to make the world a greener, more eco-friendly place Jeremy masterminded a campaign called Enrich Not Exploit. Jeremy was aiming for profitable growth through customer engagement, all whilst aiming to be the most sustainable company worldwide. The business model was incredibly successful, ultimately winning the company the World Retail Awards for Responsible Retailer.

L’Oreal and Pandora are also part of Jeremy’s repertoire. He acted as the Marketing Director for L’Oreal back in the 1990s, relaunching the then forgotten catchphrase “Because I’m Worth It”. He returned to the company in 2010, this time acting as the Managing Director and overseeing the company become the number one cosmetic company in the UK. In 2018 he worked as joint CEO for Pandora, working on a business transformation …

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