Public Relations

Zoo Atlanta gorilla is pregnant [Video]

ATLANTA — Zoo Atlanta has a new baby on the way! Kambera, a 25-year-old western lowland gorilla, is pregnant!

The Veterinary and Animal Care Teams first detected the pregnancy in April. Gorilla gestation is around eight and a half months,so Kambera is expected to give birth between mid-November and mid-December 2024. The teams will continue to perform prenatal ultrasounds as the pregnancy progresses; Kambera participates in these voluntarily, according to a Zoo Atlanta press release.

Kambera previously gave birth at another organization but did not demonstrate maternal inclinations and did not raise the infant, according to the release. However, during her time at Zoo Atlanta, Kambera has observed the behaviors of another gorilla in the social group: 22-year-old Shalia with her baby Willie B. III. The zoo hopes these observations will encourage her own maternal behaviors once her baby arrives.

“We are thrilled to announce Kambera’s pregnancy,” Gina Ferrie, Vice President of Collections and …

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