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YouthLink Calgary Police Interpretive Centre hosts Youth Cyber Summit [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

Ninety students from the Calgary French and International School took part in the second annual Youth Cyber Summit at the YouthLink Calgary Police Interpretive Centre.

“Cyber safety is such an important part of our well-being,” said Nicolas Liwanag, a Grade 9 student at the Calgary French and International School.

“You don’t know all the time if you’re talking to the correct person or if you can really trust that person.”

Liwanag himself hasn’t fallen victim to any cybersecurity issues, but says he knows many people in his grade and school who have.

“Just at a click or like a link or just one picture sent, that could mean your entire private information or any explicit content of yourself could be exposed to a public audience,” he said.

Students from the school participated in three different workshops that taught the teenagers about the dangers of artificial intelligence, deepfakes, sextortion, child luring …

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