Global Marketing Strategies

Your NEW Most Important Metric [Video]

Patrick Shanahan: Coming up on today’s edition of the Art Business Morning show. You wanna sell more art in 2021, one thing you are likely not doing that you need to start doing and specifically the things that don’t scale video and your new most important metric. (dramatic music) All right, welcome to another edition of the Art Business Morning show, the show that will put you on the path to a six-figure-a-year art business or die trying.

I wanna start out talking about the things that don’t scale and setting this one off, I pulled up a Sun Tzu quote ’cause I’ve been thinking, I’ve been thinking a lot about this recently and just sort of looking at the landscape of where our customers are. What is art like? What do art and photography sales look like in 2021? What are the most important things? It sort of builds on the …

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