Public Relations

Young people from 16 foreign countries join Shanghai Int’l Sister Cities Youth Camp to experience Chinese culture [Video]

BEIJING, July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The 2024 Shanghai International Sister Cities Youth Camp, hosted by Putuo District Education Bureau, was held in Shanghai from July 3 to 16.

Themed on “Communication, Cooperation, Friendship and Understanding”, this year’s event attracted 89 foreign youths from 16 countries to participate.

The event included a series of activities such as traditional Chinese culture courses, visiting Shanghai’s iconic landmarks and cultural venues, one-day experience of Shanghai life, and projects on city design and creation.

During the event, young people from various countries experienced traditional culture courses such as martial arts, porcelain carving, New Year paintings, tie-dyeing, lanterns, and Chinese Hanfu, to understand Chinese culture and feel cultural connotations.

They also visited urban landmarks such as the Oriental Pearl Tower, the Huangpu River, Yu Garden, and the Half Marathon Suzhou Creek Park, to learn about the culture of Shanghai, and to feel the development and charm …

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