“You, Me & Her,” an R-rated indie romantic comedy, will be the first film to use the new Attend direct distribution platform recently launched by The Fithian Group. The film, a Two Hands Productions release, will open nationwide on Feb. 14, 2025. The film is also unveiling its first trailer.
Attend is a new experimental digital and marketing platform offered by The Fithian Group that will match producers and filmmakers directly with theaters without requiring them to partner with a traditional distributor. The goal is to democratize theatrical distribution and to enable more movies to get extensive releases in cinemas. The idea has been endorsed by several prominent filmmakers, including Sean Baker, Steven Soderbergh, Damien Chazelle and Patty Jenkins, all of whom signed a statement of support. The Fithian Group was launched in 2023 by National Association of Theatre Owners executives John Fithian, Patrick Corcoran and Jackie Brenneman
“You, Me & Her” follows Mags and Ash, …