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You have the eyes of a hawk if you can spot the poisonous snake hiding in the woods in under 9 seconds [Video]

A MIND-BOGGLING brainteaser is full of suspense and potential danger.

A snake is on the loose, and spotting it in under nine seconds could mean you have excellent vision.

A snake is hiding among the greenery in a photograph taken in the woodsCredit: Reddit

Redditor Xxbleckyxx posted the optical illusion on the social media platform.

They asked puzzle lovers to “find the snake.”

At first glance, the woodsy scene appears to be innocuous, with brush and plants surrounding the trees.

There are also plenty of sticks on the ground, which makes it difficult to spot a slithering creature hiding in plain sight.

Several Redditors who tried to find the snake shared their thoughts in the comments section.

“Sorry, but you’re getting pushed down so I can have a better chance at escape,” one joked.

Xxbleckyxx gave a tip on what type of snake it could be.

They speculated that it could be a …

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