Global Marketing Strategies

Yo Ho! Gartners New Magic Quadrant for Search and Product Discovery is a Compass for CX [Video]

In the first (and arguably best) Pirates of the Caribbean movie, the main character Jack Sparrow – played by the talented, if not controversial Johnny Depp – has a trusted compass in his possession. ‘Twas a MacGuffin of sorts, a light part of the plot that came in handy at just the right times.

A compass might seem apropos for a seafaring bloke. But this was no ordinary navigational instrument. While seemingly conventional in appearance, it was imbued with magical properties – pointing not just North or South, but to what the possessor most desired.

These supernatural qualities led Sparrow and his crew to some strange places, where they battled skeletons, demons, and comical missteps in pursuit of treasure. 

And rum. There’s always rum.  

In the world of digital commerce, there are no magical compasses to guide users to whatever their hearts desire. No, we must settle for ye olde “search,” and many websites and apps still struggle with …

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