Global Marketing Strategies Public Relations Social Media Analytics

X (Twitter) Marketing in 2024: A SUPER Complete Guide [Video]

Marketing on Twitter (now officially known as X) remains an important strategy for many brands, despite some of the big players leaving the platform in 2023.

Twitter is one of the few social platforms with an audience that skews male, and the largest age group is between 25 and 35 years old. If your target audience aligns with these characteristics, X (Twitter) marketing should definitely be part of your social marketing plan.

But even if your audience doesn’t align with the top Twitter demographics, you can still find valuable pockets of engagement on the platform.

In this post, we’ll share insights from seven social marketing pros as well as a comprehensive set of up-to-the-minute Twitter marketing benchmarks to help you create an effective strategy of your own.

Bonus: Download the free 30-day plan to grow your Twitter following fast,a daily workbook that will help you establish a Twitter marketing routine and track …

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