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WS/FCS holds aspiring educator and leader event as vacancies decrease [Video]

Event Marketing and Sponsorships

Teacher vacancies continue to be an issue across North Carolina, and the triad school district, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools, is no exception.Get the latest news stories of interest by clicking hereAt the start of the 2024-25 school year, the district reported 400 vacancies, including about 100 teacher positions. Now, vacancies stand at 250 total vacancies. Josh Campbell has been a teacher at Reynolds High School for years. He has seen firsthand the impact of vacancies. “We all get stretched thin,” he said. Campbell says vacancies aren’t just hard on staff but can have a big impact on students. “As challenging as it was for me, the kids are the ones that suffer under that,” Campbell said. “I’m not the one that needs to pass the final exam to graduate. It’s the kids that need that, and if they don’t have a quality instructor, it just makes it that much harder for …

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