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Would a 4-day work week work in the US? [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

The prospect of slashing a day of work from the schedule each week without a lower paycheck is a great deal for workers, so it is not surprising that multiple studies show employees love the idea of a 4-day work week – especially in this age of high burnout.

While some experts say the shorter work week might be a great solution for some industries, skeptics say its broad adoption would never work in America.

“There is truth to the idea of working ‘smarter, not harder,’ and research supports that well-rested, motivated employees tend to be more productive and creative,” said Sunny Bonnell, CEO of branding agency Motto. Bonnell argues that a 4-day workweek can encourage people to “prioritize high-value tasks, minimize distractions, and focus on outcomes rather than hours worked.”

Bonnell says companies with forward-thinking, people-focused cultures such as in techor creative industries could likely lead the way by integrating shorter workweeks to enhance morale and prevent burnout, and says such companies could …

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