Community Building and Management

Women leaders travel to South Africa [Video]

A group of Birmingham women is on their way to South Africa for what could be a life-changing exchange of ideas and experiences.Jenny Waltman is CEO of Grace Klein Community in Birmingham, a nonprofit that works with poor and underprivileged communities. She recruited all the women who are making the journey.“These are women that just inspire me to be a better human being,” Waltman said when asked about the upcoming trip.For Waltman, her business is a mission. And for 2 1/2 months last year, her mission took her to South Africa where she lived with a family and learned the culture.“And as I was there, I realized that all women are the same. We have the same challenges here in Birmingham, Alabama, as they do in South Africa,” Waltman said.Even though apartheid, South Africa’s brutal era of racial segregation, ended decades ago, Waltman said some remnants of the past remain. …

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