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Windsor financial advisor gives tips on how to negotiate your bills [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

The art of negotiation can be the key to saving money on your monthly bills during a time of where costs of housing, gas, food and other essential continue to skyrocket.

“One of the easiest things to negotiate is you cell phone bills, television, cable and internet,” says Windsor certified financial advisor Howard Haskings. “There’s more and more providers coming into that marketplace.”

He suggests signing up for competitors’ monthly emails so you are up to date on the most recent deals so when it’s time to renew your contract with your current provider you will be prepared.

“Ask for the customer care department and say you plan on canceling your plan,” Haskings says. “They can negotiate, talk to a manager and match what the other company is giving even if it’s just a one year offer. They will normally beat or match that deal.”

He says this strategy also …

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