Community Building and Management

Wilmington planning staff hears feedback from neighbors on proposed land code amendment that could lead to more development inlegacy districts [Video]

WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) – A proposed amendment to the city’s land development code could lead to more development in Wilmington’s “legacy districts.”

Legacy districts make up 16% of the city. They’re districts that are ruled by Wilmington’s old land development code because they are considered antiquated. The city made a new land development code in 2021 that applies to all other districts.

Brian Chambers, the assistant director for planning and development in Wilmington, said at a community meeting Thursday night that having certain districts ruled by a different code just led to inconsistency in zoning and development across the city.

“The old code and the new code regulate development and our resources differently, and this amendment hopes to make it more consistent across both codes,” Chambers said.

If the legacy districts amendment passed and the districts were ruled by the new codes, it would get rid of existing residential density limits, which means the number of residential …

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