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Why office workers could soon be filmed all day at their desks | Tech News [Video]

Spending hours on Zoom is bad enough, but office workers may soon have to get used to being filmed even more. 

New software is being developed to continuously monitor workers at their computers, to improve cybersecurity and be sure only authorised workers have access.

It also has the potential to ‘track the user’s emotions in real time’, a controversial new feature of AI, sending out alerts if someone appears tired or stressed and telling them to take a break, for example.

BT has carried out trials of continuous authentication software at its Adastral Park science campus near Ipswich and it is currently at ‘proof of concept’ stage. 

A demonstration of the technology was on display at the company’s annual cybersecurity festival held earlier this month, with some teams able to start using it from next month for continued testing. 

The technology is a step up from standard facial recognition, which …

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