Global Marketing Strategies

Why Does The Internet Today Feel Smaller, Different, and Uninspiring? [Video]

  • Fading Freedom: The internet once thrived on natural interaction; Now, algorithms dictate our online experience.
  • Soulful Web Lost: The once vibrant web has turned into a controlled, monotonous landscape driven by AI.
  • Algorithms Control Us: What was once a space for human creativity has become a place where algorithms shape our every move and even our every thought.

Running for more than 15 years has given me a front-row seat to the evolution of the internet. In the early days, I watched as humans—actual people with unique ideas—dictated trends, sharing content that was genuine, diverse, and often surprising. The web felt like a vast, open field where creativity could flourish without constraints. Back then, starting my blog was about connecting with others over shared passions, not about appeasing an algorithm.

Back in the early 2000s, as a teenager deeply invested in the LiveJournal (LJ)community, I remember the internet as a wild, uncharted territory. It was a …

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