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Wheres my bus? Boston Public Schools late buses (data) NBC Boston [Video]

Boston Public School families experienced significant school bus delays during the first week of the new school year.

On the first day of school, 66% of buses were late, according to data provided by BPS. (See the chart below.)

This comes as BPS implements a new bus-tracking technology called Zum, a mobile app allows parents to track their child’s rides in real time and lets drivers use GPS on tablets instead of following routes on paper,

BPS Transportation Director Dan Rosengard said the district is optimistic about the new Zum app, which more than half of BPS families are now using; however, he acknowledged that it’s an adjustment that takes time.

“We’re going to continue to work with urgency to address these delays and make sure buses are running on time for students,” Rosengard said.

He said it’s not a Band-Aid fix but the foundation for better timeliness in the …

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