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Where to find Brisbanes best-value apartments [Video]

Global Marketing Strategies

Apartments are in high demand

Families priced out of Brisbane’s red-hot housing market are driving a surge in apartment demand, with units costing as little as a quarter of the median house price.

Exclusive data has pinpointed the suburbs where units deliver the best value — not only slashing costs compared to freestanding houses but also offering generous living space.

Research by SuburbData also highlighted a divide between luxury suburbs, where apartments were far cheaper than houses, and more affordable areas, where unit prices were as much as 70 per cent of houses but had comparable floor space.

This Auchenflower unit sold for $741,000

Leading the list of 29 suburbs was ritzy Teneriffe, where a typical unit priced at $908,000 was just 22 per cent of the jaw-dropping median house price of $4.11m.

Buyers in Paddington and Auchenflower also benefitted, with units priced at 34.6 and 33.8 per cent of houses, providing proximity to the city without the hefty outlay.

SuburbData’s …

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