Community Building and Management

What you should know about digital citizenship Live & Learn [Video]

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You have probably read or heard about the term “digital citizenship.” An expert on the topic defines it as “the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use”.

“Digital Citizenship consists of “the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use.”

Why do you need to know about it? Here are some compelling reasons:

It affects your everyday life

It’s undeniable that digital technology is a part of our daily lives. We use digital tools at home and at work. Our children are increasingly online too, and they use gadgets for entertainment, socialization, and education. Learning the rules of good digital citizenship allows us to maximize the benefits of technology and prevents us from the bad consequences of misuse.

Knowing good digital citizenship can also help keep us safe. We understand why it is not safe to email our Social Insurance Number or UCI …

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