The account, @thatwasepic, posted a photo in front of the Arco gas station on 16th Street on Sunday afternoon.
PHOENIX — A man on social media posted that he put $10,000 in credit on pumps at a Valley gas station. Since he made the post, so many people came to the pumps that it caused a gridlock in the area, Phoenix police said.
The Instagram account belongs to Juan Gonzalez at the handle @thatwasepic. The post shows Gonzalez standing in front of the ARCO gas station 16th Street and Thomas Road in Phoenix.
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The post says he just put $10,000 in credit on the pumps and instructs people to only fill their cars, not gas tanks, and to leave the pump on the ground for the next person so “it doesn’t reset.”
On his Instagram story, viewers can see him …