For more than a decade, Bucyrus, Ohio, farmer Steve Reinhard has been working to improve his production practices.
He’s transitioned from blanket fertilizer applications to a more precise approach, changed his application timings, and moved to a no-till system.
“Sustainability impacts our day-to-day decision making all the time,” Reinhard said. “When we talk about sustainability, we’re always looking at three different forms of sustainability. Not only do we have the environmental impact but also financial sustainability and how we pass the farm on to the next generation.”
As Reinhard independently changed his operation, sustainability discussions hit the mainstream. Critiques around greenhouse gas emissions and resource use drove many corporations to think about their environmental policies.
Agriculture was no exception. Commodity groups across the industry have implemented sustainability commitments, but the path to meeting those goals, and the impact on farmers, remains unclear.
While commodity group’s commitments vary greatly, many focus …