Public Relations

West and Woods | Golf News and Tour Information [Video]

Who knows what Jerry West will bring to the Northern Trust Open in his new role as executive director of the tournament, though if there is a pattern to everything he’s done in his life it’s success.

Still, if you’re looking for someone to represent the face of a Los Angeles event, Jerry West is a good place to start. West, meanwhile, sees his role as something greater than glad-handing, and that’s a good sign, too.

He seems to have made it a priority to entice Tiger Woods back to the tournament that he has not played since 2006. It seems a likelihood that he can do so. It’s hard to imagine that Woods is done playing the professional tournament that gave him his first exemption, despite the fact that he’s never won there. He has tied for second once, lost in a playoff (albeit when the event was played …

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