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We’re drowning in reusable bags. Are bag profits preventing big grocers from adopting solutions? [Video]

You know the feeling. You’re in line to buy groceries and suddenly realize, with regret, that you forgot to bring reusable bags. So you begrudgingly buy more.

The feeling is so widespread, a catchy song about it has gone viral on TikTok. 

Megan Bishop, a college student in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., felt compelled to post her version of the song. She says she and two roommates recently tossed 175 reusable bags that were piling up. Now, they’re stockpiling more.

“We’re human. We make mistakes. We forget our bags at home, and we have to buy them every time, because there’s no other option,” said Bishop.

She wants retailers to offer alternatives, but suspects profits from reusable bags sales are preventing them from doing so. 

“To the retailers, I just honestly, I would like to say you need to focus more on the environment,” said Bishop. “Not everything is about …

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