How to Reach your Market in a World Ruled by Generative AI
How to Reach your Market in a World Ruled by Generative AI
12 Steps to Create Videos

Ways to Work with Coach Tony Inman [Video]

Event Marketing and Sponsorships

That’s perfectly fine. A lot of people who went on to become clients weren’t ready when I first met them for a whole host of reasons. As they say, “Timing is everything!”

Some of them began by reading my book, others attended one of my workshops, or perhaps heard me speak at a networking event first.

One person delayed because they were in the middle of moving house; another was moving business premises; another wanted to get some pressing bills out of the way before they invested in coaching; sometimes life just gets in the way!

One client had known me for two years and had read my book and been impressed with it. He announced at a networking breakfast that this was the year he needed some coaching, so he was going to call me to get started. It still took him another six months before we finally started …

5 Ways to Make Push Marketing Work for You
5 Ways to Make Push Marketing Work for You
5 Steps to Creating Successful Ads