Beloved British animated couple Wallace and Gromit are returning to screens in their first feature-length film in 20 years for a typically mad-cap adventure that spotlights the dangers of technology in the wrong hands.
“Vengeance Most Fowl” will air on the BBC on Christmas Day for the first time before being made available on the Netflix platform from January 3 worldwide.
Inventor and director Nick Park has returned to the technology theme that he explored in his 1993 Oscar-winning hit “The Wrong Trousers”, but updated to take into account the advent of artificial intelligence (AI).
The tale centres on tea and cheese-loving Wallace’s latest invention: an “intelligent” robotic gnome called Norbot, which helps around the house and garden, threatening to replace the ever-loyal Gromit, who takes pride in the daily tasks of life.
“Wallace is completely deluded and obsessed, whereas Gromit represents the human touch,” Park told AFP in a …