Community Building and Management

Vivek Ramaswamy holds Springfield town hall [Video]

“My goal isn’t to preach to the community, my goal is to share my perspective as honestly as I can,” Ramaswamy said.

SPRINGFIELD, Ohio — Former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy hosted what he called an open and honest conversation with the greater Springfield community on Thursday evening.

Hundreds of attendees gathered for the town hall at Bushnell Events Center, with some even getting turned away due to a lack of available space.

“My goal isn’t to preach to the community, my goal is to share my perspective as honestly as I can,” Ramaswamy said.

“Where’d they come from? How’d they get there? How’d they come to this town that isn’t asking for all this extra help?” Mark Irwin, an Ohio resident, said.

People like Irwin said they don’t blame the immigrants who came to the U.S. for a better life, but more answers are needed as far as the …

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