Community Building and Management

Vernon College student completes NASA courses [Video]

WICHITA FALLS, Texas (KAUZ) – After the successful completion of the five week online NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars Program (NCAS), Kylee Magee was one of a few hundred students from around the country to earn a spot in the NCAS Mission Two: Career Simulation.

Magee said for Mission Two a team was formed with other students and they planned a mission in space.

“It was me and a group of other students from around the U.S. We got to experience what it was like to create a plan of what we might do if we had a rover going to the moon,” Magee said

She was able to be a part of NCAS all while being a single mother and a full time student.

“I think it more or less has given me a headstrong personality, more of going and getting it done because it needs to be done. …

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