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Veo FreeMove Vision System | Cutting Tool Engineering [Video]

User Experience (UX) Design

Veo Robotics announces the launch of Veo FreeMove, a safety-ratable, production-ready vision system for safe human-robot interaction. The Veo FreeMove system gives manufacturing engineers the freedom to combine the strength, precision and speed of standard industrial robots with the ingenuity, judgment and dexterity of humans.

In today’s highly competitive marketplace, manufacturers need to be more responsive and flexible than ever before. Process variations that lead to product quality issues must be addressed immediately. Product cycles are shorter, requiring quicker line design and commissioning. Mass customization means that fully automating manufacturing process steps has become much more costly in engineering time and capital equipment. Often, the costs of fully automating process steps can never be amortized before the process must be changed.

By making it possible for standard industrial robots to respond safely to nearby humans, Veo FreeMove plays to the strengths of both humans and robots. Doing so increases worker …

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