Integrated Solutions Offering

Vay Tham on ALT5 Sigma’s Digital Currency Solutions for B2B [Video]

August 20, 2024 — In an interview with InvestorNews host Pat Bolland, Vay Tham, President of ALT5 Sigma Corporation (NASDAQ: ALTS), discussed the company’s impressive growth and strategic direction in the fintech space. ALT5 Sigma, a Canadian company specializing in crypto payments, saw a significant increase in its transaction volume, reporting $179 million in July 2024, a 114% rise from the previous year. Tham emphasized that ALT5 Sigma is a well-established B2B-focused company, not a startup, with a strong regulatory foundation from Fintrac and FinCEN.

Tham attributed the company’s rapid growth to its seamless crypto-to-fiat conversion services for large merchants, noting, “We service large companies and online merchants.” Despite minimal formal marketing, ALT5 Sigma has benefited from strong word-of-mouth referrals, driving its expansion. With a year-to-date transaction volume of $1.05 billion and a focus on maintaining profitability, Tham expressed confidence in ALT5 Sigma’s ability to continue scaling its business as blockchain technology gains broader …

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