Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Unexpected Collaborations: The best collaborations lead to new ways of seeing the world [Video]

By Michael Blanding

It’s said that two heads are better than one—but what about three, or four, or 12? In today’s world, collaboration is essential in solving problems, bridging the gaps between science, engineering, medicine and the humanities. By prioritizing cross-disciplinary collaborations, Vanderbilt walks the walk—not only across departments—but across schools and cultures.

It’s not unusual for a faculty member to knock unannounced on the door of a colleague they’ve never met, following up on an idea or a recommendation, and for that encounter to lead to a grant, paper or long-term project. The best collaborations come from the most unexpected places, leading to new ways of seeing the world and discoveries to help humanity. The following four examples represent some of the best partnerships at Vanderbilt to heal the body, teach the mind and nurture the soul.


Steven Townsend (Tony Luong)

When organic chemist Steven Townsend’s wife was pregnant, she was studying at Columbia University, …

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