The University at Buffalo is helping to train experts to better detect cybersecurity data breaches and more.
BUFFALO, N.Y. — It seems like reports of major data breaches by hackers are in the news all the time.
Fortunately more cybersecurity forces are in place and the University at Buffalo is helping to train more experts that are badly needed by our government and industries.
2 On Your Side got the perspective of a UB professor.
The U.S. Treasury was hit earlier this month as NBC News reports government workstations with what were called ‘unclassified documents’ were accessed remotely as hackers with a Chinese intelligence agency grabbed a security key.
That follows cyber assaults on other government officials and telecommunications firms as they sought access to phone conversations and text messages.
So it may be no wonder there could be cybersecurity paranoia or panic among the public.
But here is some context from Professor Kevin Cleary who specializes in Management Sciences and Systems …