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Tourism, Hospitality, and Event Management, B.S. [Video]

Event Marketing and Sponsorships


Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management

Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management programs at Southern Connecticut State University are accredited by the Council on Accreditation for Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Related Professions (COAPRT). COAPRT recognizes academic programs in colleges and universities that prepare new professionals to enter the parks, recreation, tourism and related professions COAPRT Accreditation is a status granted to an academic program that meets or exceeds stated criteria of educational quality. In the United States, accreditation of professional preparation curricula is conferred by non-governmental bodies, which are often closely associated with professional associations in the field. COAPRT accredits baccalaureate degree programs in this profession. COAPRT is accredited by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

Important Information Regarding Degree Mills

Please watch this important video regarding degree and accreditation mills. According to CHEA, “Degree mills and accreditation mills mislead and harm. In the United States, degrees and certificates from mills may not be acknowledged by other institutions when students seek …

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