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To Protect US Coasts, Scientists Want To Zap the Sea With Electricity [Video]

As efforts step up to protect coastal regions affected by erosion, scientists have found an unexpected way to protect communities—zapping the shoreline with electricity.

In a study published in the journal Communications Earth and the Environment, researchers from Northwestern University demonstrated the novel technique to strengthen marine sand, potentially offering a sustainable solution to combat erosion caused by climate change and rising sea levels.

“Over 40 percent of the world’s population lives in coastal areas,” Alessandro Rotta Loria, who led the study, said in a statement.

“Because of climate change and sea-level rise, erosion is an enormous threat to these communities. Through the disintegration of infrastructure and loss of land, erosion causes billions of dollars in damage per year worldwide,” he said.

Erosion on California cliffsides frequently disrupts Amtrak’s Southern California railway route. Now, scientists are hoping that zapping shorelines with electricity could help them win the battle against erosion, without the need for expensive sea walls…Mario Tama/Getty

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