Public Relations

TN State Senator pushing for Shelby Co. D.A.’s removal [Video]

Mulroy responded following the press conference calling the claims untrue.

SHELBY COUNTY, Tenn. — State Senator Brent Taylor (R- Eads) announced on Thursday he will be pursuing the removal of Shelby County District Attorney Steve Mulroy, and believes he has the support of fellow state lawmakers. 

Under the Tennessee constitution, judges and district attorneys can be removed for cause with a two-thirds vote of both the House and the Senate.

“He does not follow the law,”  Taylor said on Thursday. 

Taylor said he will be introducing a resolution next week to form a committee of state lawmakers which will conduct an investigation of their own. The group will have subpoena power before making their recommendation to the full legislature on whether Mulroy should stay or go.

“He was willing to circumvent the authority of the general assembly and just simply prosecute based on how he wished the law were written, …

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