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TikTok sensation Spudman who gets two-hour queues ‘kicked off’ town centre patch [Video]

Social Media Analytics

The now legendary potato seller rose to fame on the social media app has now been forced to move from his regular patch in Tamworth by the borough council.

Ben Newman, 39 has operated his jacket potato van from St Editha’s Square, serving the locals and creating social media content.

The social media star has gone on to amass over 3.1 million subscribers on TikTok, serving people from all over the world who visit the town for the sole reason of trying his spuds.

Some customers have even queued up for two hours to buy one of his spuds.

Now, National World is reporting that Tamworth Council has forced Spudman from his regular spot while they redevelop the area.

Ben Newman, aka Spud Man

On Tiktok, Spudman said: “We’re getting kicked off while they redevelop the square. We’re just getting very little information from the council about where they want to move us to.

“I guess because we’re mobile, …

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