Global Marketing Strategies

Three Plugs 5G Broadband in New Campaign from Boys+Girls [Video]

Boys + Girls has rolled out a new campaign for Three Ireland to highlight the telco’s broadband offering.

The new campaign showcases the ease and strength of Three’s plug and play 5G broadband pitching it against other broadband offerings that require fibre installation.

“Three’s 5G Broadband is absolutely market-leading but our research showed that people weren’t aware of the speed and the ease of our great product. This campaign was designed to provoke people to see that there is a better way to broadband than fibre – Three 5G Broadband. So easy to install, incredible speeds and the ability for over 60 devices to connect your home,” says Eilis Fitzgerald, head of marketing communications, Three Ireland.

“We needed to provoke people into seeing that there is a better way to broadband outside of fibre. And what better way than the creation of a destructive, if lovable anti-hero – the ever …

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