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This Weeks Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through August 24) [Video]


An ‘AI Scientist’ Is Inventing and Running Its Own ExperimentsWill Knight | Wired“At first glance, a recent batch of research papers produced by a prominent artificial intelligence lab at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver might not seem that notable. Featuring incremental improvements on existing algorithms and ideas, they read like the contents of a middling AI conference or journal. But the research is, in fact, remarkable. That’s because it’s entirely the work of an ‘AI scientist’ developed at the UBC lab together with researchers from the University of Oxford and a startup called Sakana AI.”


Beyond Gene-Edited Babies: The Possible Paths for Tinkering With Human EvolutionAntonio Regalado | MIT Technology Review“Editing human embryos is restricted in much of the world—and making an edited baby is flatly illegal in most countries surveyed by legal scholars. But advancing technology could render the embryo issue moot. New ways of adding CRISPR …

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