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The ultimate cashflow flexibility tool for businesses [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

Struggling with cashflow and tax liabilities? Discover how TMNZ’s tax pooling solutions offer ultimate flexibility for managing provisional tax.

In tough economic times, it can be hard for businesses to stay on top of cashflow and juggle their tax liabilities. For companies and sole traders dealing with fluctuating cashflow and provisional tax headaches, there’s an easier way to manage your obligations – tax pooling.

Did you know TMNZ’s tax pool can help you manage your tax by matching your cashflow forecasts with your provisional tax payments? And you can use tax pool deposits as an alternative funding source when cashflow is tight.

How TMNZ can help

As an Inland Revenue (IR)-approved tax pooling provider, you can use TMNZ to pay income tax on your behalf at a time that suits you. They offer greater flexibility over how and when you pay provisional tax.

First, you’ll need to think about your cashflow forecast. Once you’ve …

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