In a recent episode hosted by John Golden engages in a compelling conversation with Arvell Craig, a seasoned expert in social, digital, and internet marketing. With over 20 years of experience, Arvell brings a wealth of knowledge, particularly in chatbots, conversational design, and natural language processing. This episode delves into the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in sales and marketing, offering valuable insights and actionable advice for businesses looking to leverage AI technologies.
The Evolution of AI in Sales and Marketing
The Growing Necessity of AI
Arvell emphasizes the increasing necessity for AI in the business landscape, particularly by the year 2025. He notes the rising demand for educational resources and tools to help professionals navigate this evolving terrain. As more AI agentsenter the field, the ability to leverage technology will become crucial. Arvell shares his personal experience of managing a small team and consistently utilizing technology to streamline tasks he finds less enjoyable. This approach not only enhances productivity but …