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The Strategic Importance of Enterprise Device Management According to Radix [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

Modern enterprises are currently using smart devices at every corner of their operations. Enterprise adoption of smart devices often began with digital transformation initiatives to improve operational efficiency and was fast tracked by the pandemic-driven need to support work-from-home and other hybrid working models, which persist until today.

Today, many organizations are owners of large fleets of smart devices used by their employees. Telecommunications and other managed service providers that lease devices to their enterprise customers are also owners of even larger and more diverse fleets.

According to Radix Technologies, a provider of device management platforms, enterprises need to monitor and control their device fleets – both centrally and remotely – to keep their devices “healthy, patched and tuned to their missions”.

Growing Device Management Use Cases

Nadav Avni, Chief Marketing Officer at Radix, explains that there are a growing number of use cases for centralized device management.

Avni points out that Application Management is currently one of …

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