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The Penguin Episode 8 Review [Video]

Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Chris Connor reviews the finale of The Penguin…

The Penguin has built steady momentum across its run as alliances have shifted and there have been twists and turns aplenty. The penultimate episode saw Sofia with Oz’s mother and planting a bomb that put a dent in his drugs operation and the city itself. So, with just one episode left, how does the finale resolve the dangling threads and potentially set up events for The Batman Part II?

The episode really concludes the back-and-forth between Sofia and Oz, who have been jostling for control of the city’s underworld and the remnants of the Falcone and Marone operations to this point. We open with some well-constructed flashback sequences, seemingly inside Frances’ head as she thinks back on Oz’s childhood and the extent she knew of his involvement in what befell his brothers.

As The Penguinhas so often proved, it is not afraid to go in some unexpected directions, especially within its openings which have …

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