Community Building and Management

The latest on the hunt for a new LAPD chief [Video]

The word around Los Angeles City Hall is that Mayor Karen Bass will be conducting in-person interviews this week with at least two of the three current finalists to be the next chief of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Though the mayor’s office isn’t confirming that, they put out a press release saying that she has spoken with hundreds of rank-and-file officers, command staff, and community groups to learn what they want from their next leader.

According to a summary Bass’ office released Tuesday, poor morale and a perceived “disconnect” between officers and leadership were two key survey findings.

In discussions, the top issue was a lack of morale stemming from the following:

— Disconnect between officers and leadership;

— A “gotcha” culture, in which officers reported leadership created a workplace where minor mistakes are punished more severely;

— Concerns with the department’s disciplinary system; and

— A lack of experience at the top as officers reported feeling that a majority of command staff lack practical experience …

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