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The Agile Manifesto was ahead of its time [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

Back in the day, technology limitations forced software development teams to be disciplined, rigid, and inflexible. Thank goodness for SaaS and CI/CD.

Credit: Ipatov / Shutterstock

Last week I went on a short rant about scrum, and how it isn’t agile and is, well, dumb. It occurred to me that one of the obstacles to truly being agile has been the limits of software technology. The way we had to build and deliver software didn’t lend itself to flexibility. However, we are gradually moving to a new way of development that lets us be flexible and agile.

One of the reasons that everyone wants to be agile is that there was (and still is) a huge backlash against the waterfall method. The waterfall method basically went like this:

  1. Do a lot of work up front to define the requirements.
  2. Build the software.
  3. Deliver the software to the customer. 

Waterfall makes sense at first glance — find out what the customer wants and …

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