Public Relations

Tentative contract agreement announced between City of Billings and union [Video]

BILLINGS – A tentative agreement was announced Thursday in contract negotiations between the City of Billings and union workers.

Negotiations between the city and the Teamsters Local 190 Union had stalled recently when union members rejected the city’s “last, best, and final” offer and voted to authorize a strike. The union pointed to what it described as a large disparity between compensation increases for union workers and city administration.

Here is the joint press release issued by the city and the union late Thursday morning:

Teamsters Union Local 190 and the City of Billings are pleased to announce they have reached a tentative agreement on a new 3-year contract.

Although agreed to by both negotiating parties, the contract still requires ratification by Union members and approval by the Billings City Council.

“Negotiations are always a difficult process, I appreciate the City’s willingness to work with us to find a solution …

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