Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Tennessee Higher Education Commission announces awardees for rural workforce development grants [Video]

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — The Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) announced the awardees for the latest round of the Governor’s Investment in Vocational Education (GIVE) grants on Wednesday.

GIVE grants are meant to prioritize learning opportunities in rural counties. The most recent round will allocate $41 million to foster partnerships between Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology (TCATs), community colleges and industries across the state.

Tennessee Higher Education Commission awarded nearly $35 million for college readiness programs

“The GIVE grants represent a significant step forward in our mission to bridge the skills gap in Tennessee’s workforce,” said Steven Gentile, THEC’s executive director. “By fostering collaboration between educational institutions and local industries, we are not only creating pathways for students in rural and at-risk counties but also ensuring that our state remains competitive in a rapidly evolving job market.”

The latest grantees include:

Grants of up to $2 million are awarded to proposalsthat create or expand academic programs, develop work-based learning experiences and provide …

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