Public Relations

Telstra price rise must prevent customer revolt ASX:TLS [Video]

Raising money from its wealthier customers and keeping a pricing lid on mobile phone plans for struggling customers is behind Telstra’s selective revenue grab.

It’s clear recognition that within the Telstra customer orbit, there are those on whom it can inflict no additional pricing pain, and there are those who are reasonably immune to higher communications bills.

Telstra lifts prices.Credit: Oscar Colman

The corporate objective will be to raise as much as possible without prompting churn to another carrier.

And it is Telstra’s competitors, Optus and Vodafone, that gave it the license to raise prices; they paved the way over recent months by bumping up the cost of their plans.

Vodafone raised prices on its mobile plans by 6 to 9 per cent at the start of the year, while Optus pushed up prices for new customers by 5 to …

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